scavenging of free radicals

英 [ˈskævɪndʒɪŋ ɒv friː ˈrædɪkəlz] 美 [ˈskævɪndʒɪŋ əv friː ˈrædəkəlz]




  1. The scavenging effects of DMYL on DPPH free radicals and H2O2 in polar solvents were both weaker than those of DMY, decreasing with the increase of esterification degree.
  2. The Scavenging Activities of Total Flavonoids from Plantago asiatica Linn. on Free Radicals and its Protective Effects on Oxidative Damage in Mice
  3. Thus, the scavenging of the excess free radicals in the boby could be helpful to delay the human aging process.
  4. The scavenging effect of natural antioxidant Salviol on lipid free radicals generated from lipid peroxidation of cardiac Sarcoplasmic Reticulum was investigated by the use of spin trapping technique and chemiluminescence methods.
  5. Scavenging activity of fomes officinalis polysaccharides on oxygen free radicals
  6. Objective To explore the scavenging effect of hawthorn on oxygen free radicals.
  7. Lycopene has predominantly functions of quenching singlet oxygen, scavenging of free radicals and reducing the communication between cells, consequently which could act great roles on preventing cancer and atherosclerosis.
  8. The inhibiting order of flavonoids on protein nitration was similar to the scavenging order of flavonoids on free radicals.
  9. A Study on Scavenging Activity of Melanin to Hydroxyl Free Radicals
  10. Unless levodopa's neurotoxin, more and more evidences support that DA receptor agonist may have neuroprotective effects via direct scavenging of free radicals or increase the activities of radical-scavenging enzymes, and enhancing neurotrophic activity.
  11. Study on Scavenging Activity of Free Radicals by Semen Cuscutae Flavonoids
  12. The study on the optimal dose of pectinase for digesting pectin in soybean meal in vitro the scavenging capacity of free radicals by enzymes-hydrolyzed wheat bran in vitro
  13. Conclusion: The active organic Se-containing molecules such as Se-containing proteins and Se polysaccharides, which were produced by selenium metabolism in microalgae, might contribute to the scavenging effects of Se enriched S.P. on oxygen free radicals.
  14. The scavenging effects of grape procyanidins on active oxygen free radicals
  15. Study of Scavenging Activity of Sorghum Pigment to Hydroxyl Free Radicals by Fluorimetry
  16. Conclusion: Bre has notable anti-lipid peroxidation effect on HIRI, which is due to its inhibiting the generation of oxygen free radicals and its strengthening scavenging of oxygen free radicals.
  17. Studies on the scavenging effects of grape seed and grape peel on free radicals
  18. Scavenging effects of glycosides of Cistanche on free radicals and its Protection against OH · induced DNA damage in vitro
  19. Study on the Scavenging Activity and Influence Factors of Salvianolic Acid B to DPPH Free Radicals
  20. The scavenging role of oxygen free radicals by Salvia miltiorrhiza
  21. Scavenging Action of DNA from Carp Spermary on Free Radicals
  22. Scavenging Effects of Active Principles from Astragalus mongholicus Bunge on Oxygen Free Radicals Studied by ESR
  23. Methods: Chemiluminescence methods were used to assess scavenging effects of FOPS on the O2, H2O2 and other oxygen free radicals.
  24. Research of scavenging activities of Sophora subprostrate polysaccharide on free radicals in vitro
  25. Experimental results showed that silkworm protein powder peptides showed some antioxidant activity in different detection systems. Scavenging activity of DPPH free radicals was the highest. It showed good prospects in development. 3.
  26. It has remarkable scavenging activity of hydroxyl free radicals in vitro.
  27. The results demonstrated that OFR signal of the cell suspension decreased significantly. Therefore, the results were suggested that 10 kinds of extracts from Chinese Herbs had anti-oxidation. The mechanism may be related with scavenging of free radicals, enhancing its clearance, enhancing endogenous antioxidant activity.
  28. Free radical production and scavenging is a dynamic equilibrium in vivo, Excessive production of free radicals can react with lipids 、 proteins and DNA, leading to several diseases, such as cardiopathy, cancer and caducity.